Impact of the Whole Family Approach on Working Families Event

On October 27, 2020, The Pascale Sykes Foundation, the Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers University-Camden, and the University of Pennsylvania co-hosted Impact of the Whole Family Approach on Working Families, a virtual event showcasing new research that demonstrates the powerful results of the Whole Family Approach for working, low-income families. In addition to sharing valuable insights our researchers and practitioners have acquired from a seven-year research effort, this event highlighted how family-centered approaches like the Whole Family Approach have helped mitigate the effects of COVID-19 on families and communities. Watch the video recording below to catch the presentations.

Featured speakers included:

  • Ross Whiting, Ph.D., Director of Research and Evaluation, Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers University-Camden
  • Amy Castro Baker, Ph.D., MSW, Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice
  • Frances Sykes, President, Pascale Sykes Foundation


Click to Download the PowerPoint Presentation